Continuing is focused him very his interesting% articles in blog in Pokernews, Alec Torelli this time in aquestion of psychology of poker: the management of big defeats, brachychronia or even longly-lasting.
As we see the advices that gives Torelli in those who they experience the painful experience of bigdefeat, based on his own experiences in the tables of poker.
` ' Walking in Bellagio, I saw a lot of world assembled round certain persons that shouted. ` What's the matter? ' I asked somebody.
` Kevin Garnett and P%aul Pierce play blackjack `. I more front advanced, with the world it shoutscheerful - logically it should they gained a lot of money.
When I could see hands% their, what I observed they were their bets but the clock of Kevin. Enormous,ependedymeno with diamonds, it shone in the achnofotismeno casino. My eyes followed his fruit up tohis palm - and afterwards in his fingers. It is not possible… Xanakoitaxa carefully, but indeed I had seenstakes with red make. They betted $10 in each hand.
Even if they seldom playe%d, the enthusiasm was evidently. From the other side, a player poker highstakes can, having small rate of profit, gain tetrapsifio sum very fast. How it is possible? When we gamble, the brain us it develops a tolerance in the overexcitement - similarly with the one of alcoholicthat it can it lowers ten shots. The exaggeration is changed in physiologic fact.
The fluctuation it is already %very big, mechri the pecuniary sums become respectable. When thishappens, the sentiments return.
When we gain, we have joy an%d euphoria. When we lose, we have pain and panic. The defeats are always villains from the victories. They are so much calamitous for our existence, that they make me fixthe leading point of sentimental pain as the ` katofli of pain' (s.s ` pain threshold' - ` PT'). Points PT vary,depending on the freque%ncy of our game. For two athletes which seldom risk money, the minimalpecuniary instability can be fascinating.
When somebody selects it gambles, inevitably diabei point PT. Such something can be avoided, puttingbrake in the damage front t%hey reach in some limit, or making breaks after important negatives break.Parolayta, as long as beautiful and if are heard these advices, are not always applied.
First-first, it should we find ourselves in these points PT, so that we know where they are found. Eventhe most conservative player is% complicated he resists in a big and attractive, chrimatikos, gamepoker. As we were not laughed: we like we gamble. Is the genuine problem, consequently, that `anarronoyme' when does happen the inevitable?
The life of player of poker makes him %impassible toward the money. Personally, I fight a lot with theparticular problem, because I am not nor at intellect so much rich so that I justify a such incuriousapproach to the money. Biggest hand that I have lost it has reached the $475.000. Biggest downswingthat I had reached the $1.000.000. After %this two facts, I experienced sentiments of defeat, despair andvoid - as those that feels somebody after a bittersweet separation. From my experience, the better wayin order to you come back after a such traumatic experience is to separate completely the two separaterealities: the poker and the life.
I know that my own point PT is what in I lose most money, dichos however to lose my prospects. Thebeyond limit in the profits (s.s. ` Win %Cap - WC) is opposite. When I pass somebody from these limits,remains one day long from the gambling in order to I do something creative, something new.Something so much simple as I try a new restaurant, I walk in certain unknown corner of my city, or I exercise. Such activities make the difference between a successful renewal and a agchotikoy morning.
Moreover, I make in some gift. This strengthens in me the truth that the money that I remove in thepoker has value in my regular life, and me gives motives in order to I play better.
Certain times I do not have the luxury I take ` day-off' the next day. One very good cash game me forcesgrind-to raise or, if I pass point PT in session, I want to continue playing. The fastest wayep%anasygkentrotho is enough annoying, even swearer, but has result: I tear money.
Precisely. I am removed by the table, I remove a bank note the $1, I tear him in pieces and him I fly. Ifyou resented, it is good mark. Aim of this energy is to remind us that the danger that we run throughdoes not emanate from the money, but from the dependence of our brain in this overexcitement. Thesacrifice our this $1 is saved from thousands dollaria in the table.
Closing, it will be supposed we remembered% the element that outclasses the all other - the happiness.When we decide for whether we will play poker or no, it would be supposed we lead somewhere basedon the EV in dollaria, but in %how us it will influence this intellectually and psychologically - hEV(Happiness Expected Value).
The bodily ` recovery' is important in small dept5h of time: sessions with defeats, and ugly days. Butlongly-lasting, after months with damage and lost bankrolls, is required intellectual and psychologicalchange. `'%
As we see the advices that gives Torelli in those who they experience the painful experience of bigdefeat, based on his own experiences in the tables of poker.
` ' Walking in Bellagio, I saw a lot of world assembled round certain persons that shouted. ` What's the matter? ' I asked somebody.
` Kevin Garnett and P%aul Pierce play blackjack `. I more front advanced, with the world it shoutscheerful - logically it should they gained a lot of money.
When I could see hands% their, what I observed they were their bets but the clock of Kevin. Enormous,ependedymeno with diamonds, it shone in the achnofotismeno casino. My eyes followed his fruit up tohis palm - and afterwards in his fingers. It is not possible… Xanakoitaxa carefully, but indeed I had seenstakes with red make. They betted $10 in each hand.
Even if they seldom playe%d, the enthusiasm was evidently. From the other side, a player poker highstakes can, having small rate of profit, gain tetrapsifio sum very fast. How it is possible? When we gamble, the brain us it develops a tolerance in the overexcitement - similarly with the one of alcoholicthat it can it lowers ten shots. The exaggeration is changed in physiologic fact.
The fluctuation it is already %very big, mechri the pecuniary sums become respectable. When thishappens, the sentiments return.
When we gain, we have joy an%d euphoria. When we lose, we have pain and panic. The defeats are always villains from the victories. They are so much calamitous for our existence, that they make me fixthe leading point of sentimental pain as the ` katofli of pain' (s.s ` pain threshold' - ` PT'). Points PT vary,depending on the freque%ncy of our game. For two athletes which seldom risk money, the minimalpecuniary instability can be fascinating.
When somebody selects it gambles, inevitably diabei point PT. Such something can be avoided, puttingbrake in the damage front t%hey reach in some limit, or making breaks after important negatives break.Parolayta, as long as beautiful and if are heard these advices, are not always applied.
First-first, it should we find ourselves in these points PT, so that we know where they are found. Eventhe most conservative player is% complicated he resists in a big and attractive, chrimatikos, gamepoker. As we were not laughed: we like we gamble. Is the genuine problem, consequently, that `anarronoyme' when does happen the inevitable?
The life of player of poker makes him %impassible toward the money. Personally, I fight a lot with theparticular problem, because I am not nor at intellect so much rich so that I justify a such incuriousapproach to the money. Biggest hand that I have lost it has reached the $475.000. Biggest downswingthat I had reached the $1.000.000. After %this two facts, I experienced sentiments of defeat, despair andvoid - as those that feels somebody after a bittersweet separation. From my experience, the better wayin order to you come back after a such traumatic experience is to separate completely the two separaterealities: the poker and the life.
I know that my own point PT is what in I lose most money, dichos however to lose my prospects. Thebeyond limit in the profits (s.s. ` Win %Cap - WC) is opposite. When I pass somebody from these limits,remains one day long from the gambling in order to I do something creative, something new.Something so much simple as I try a new restaurant, I walk in certain unknown corner of my city, or I exercise. Such activities make the difference between a successful renewal and a agchotikoy morning.
Moreover, I make in some gift. This strengthens in me the truth that the money that I remove in thepoker has value in my regular life, and me gives motives in order to I play better.
Certain times I do not have the luxury I take ` day-off' the next day. One very good cash game me forcesgrind-to raise or, if I pass point PT in session, I want to continue playing. The fastest wayep%anasygkentrotho is enough annoying, even swearer, but has result: I tear money.
Precisely. I am removed by the table, I remove a bank note the $1, I tear him in pieces and him I fly. Ifyou resented, it is good mark. Aim of this energy is to remind us that the danger that we run throughdoes not emanate from the money, but from the dependence of our brain in this overexcitement. Thesacrifice our this $1 is saved from thousands dollaria in the table.
Closing, it will be supposed we remembered% the element that outclasses the all other - the happiness.When we decide for whether we will play poker or no, it would be supposed we lead somewhere basedon the EV in dollaria, but in %how us it will influence this intellectually and psychologically - hEV(Happiness Expected Value).
The bodily ` recovery' is important in small dept5h of time: sessions with defeats, and ugly days. Butlongly-lasting, after months with damage and lost bankrolls, is required intellectual and psychologicalchange. `'%
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