When the “bungle”, the absolute aschetosyni and lack of planning are the main characteristics that condition the Greek legislative body, it is by no means strange that we have statutes as the recent law peri Regulation of Market of Lucky Paignion, which few hardly months afterwards his voting has been judged by pantes (the market, the consumers, even from same controlling) as ineffective and into practice not applicable.
The last one “case” or if you prefer the last adjacent result of absolute confusion that prevails today in the market of lucky games, was the opening in the center of Athens of shops of internet coffee from the companies, that hurried in the beginning of year they ensure provisional authorization of operation for their activation in internet!
The reportage of is newspaper “Daily”:
Two new shops Internet of coffee opened yesterday in the center of Athens in Concord and other 2-3 in the province creating particular concern in the market of lucky games. And this because they belong in somebody from the 24 companies that have received provisional authorization of activation in the internetiko bet….
Easily therefore can no one imagine that if any company it received authorization of operation of transient period without pays nothing it opens and partially internet coffee suddenly they are created no but many land networks of competitive agencies of OPAP that will offer the games of companies that declared interest adeidotithoyn and to be possible to function in the transient period.
This possibility, occupied the “beginnings”… and finally it was found solution of… new internetika coffee that belongs in this companies is illegally. The transient authorizations are not empty because does not exist still Regulation of operation for the companies in the Internet and hence still they cannot function… Also the ministerial decision speaks only for the internetiko bet and no for the internetika fruits and consequently and he is outlaw him function.
From other however their ministerial decision gives a legality at the transient period mechri the government decides the process of awarding of vacations.
It is marked, as reports the information, the householders of somebodies from these 24 companies has relation with other activities of purchase of lucky games (illegal fruits) and with ayto ton way indirectly legalizes the activity….
Finally the how many legal they are in order to they function internet coffee ..... it will appear the next days when it is also expected intervene the Beginnings…
Finally the ministerial decision on the tax imposition of internetikon companies achieved also the State does not collect nothing from the uses 2010 and 2011 (after also the 24 that presented interest that correspond in 17 householders of companies are companies new that did not have drastiriotitta the previous years)… and it brings the illegal fruits… more near the illegal legalization….
Fortunately it became comprehensible at least that this was a failed effort of tax imposition and
according to valid sources the ministry re-examines the way of tax imposition. It processes the proposal for reduction of tax imposition in mixed, internetikon companies, in order that this time arrive the big companies of space and - at least with second it achieves his objective.
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